AccSL® – Accordant Solution Library
In a rapidly changing world we empower our clients and communities to realise the value of progress in a safe, smart and environmetally harmonius way.
What is AccSL®?
AccSL® stands for the accordant solution library and is a combination of bespoke software and methodologies that we use to define a clients specifc challenge, to determine the best solutions and to measure, monitor and report on outcomes.
Our Software
Begining in 2013 we developed a suite of software that allowed our clients to build and model business cases for the transformations they were undertaking. Since then the software and the approaches have evolved. AccSL® is now grown from a windows based application to SaaS with a pay as you go subscription model. Morevoer its moved from just business cases to Social and Carbon models enabling clients to Record, Measure and Report on the People, Planet and Prosperity of what they do.
Building multiple models to international standards helps not only inform decisions making but also drives compliance and good governance.
Our Maturity Model
Undoubtedly there will be lots of standards that apply to your business – especially if you are international. So how do you compare like for like across multiple locations, multiple standards and approaches? A maturity model is a common frame of reference and ours includes the three dimensions of transformation – People, Planet and Prosperity – as well as the frameworks you need to be guided by.
Our Methodologies
Few things can be a one size fits all yet a solid approach methodology, particualrly where it has multiple entry points, can be one. Our methodlogy has been build on decades of successful consulting expereince and allows us to apply its elements or not depending on needs and timing. Coupled with our software it provides a solid foundation for transformation be that the business , the policies, processes or the technologies. All with a mind on the three 21st century business dimensions of People, Planet and Prosperity.
Our Skills
As you would expect our business is supporting our clients and that involves considerable breadth of knowledge as well as technical depth. We maintain the core skills through regualr knwoledge sharing, training and development. Out teams are skilled at solutioning in Cyber Security, Agile project management, Cloud and Technology transformation, Business and Finance,Process desing and all the related skills you would expect. Our experience comes from working on multiple projects with large international enerprise clients and our geographic coverage is from Australia through the middle east to Europe and the USA.