Transformation Economics
To support our multi-disciplined consulting expertise, we knew we would need an ever evolving toolset; So we built AccSL® – our custom solution library that provides clarity across your organisation’s service portfolio.
Accordant Solutions Library
At our inception we knew we would need an evolving range of tools to support our portfolio of capabilites and consultants; From day one we set about developing AccSL® (Accordant Solutions Library) – from our origins in project financial planning and service cost analysis, our solutions now cover carbon footprint and social impact too. With our latest release of AccSL®, a fully web enabled application you can Measure, Record, Report and Reduce your costs, carbon emissions and social Impact.
Across the globe common threads are being woven into mandatory reporting standards, compliance obligations mean your team needs tools to collect and manage large data sets, to report transparently and infom decision makers promptly. AccSL® provides a platform for that. Keeping pace with emerging standards and mandated report formats as they emerge.
Environmental Social Governance
Environmental Social Governance is a vast and hugely important area; encompassing climate metrics, social values as well as the financial measures we are familiar with.
Read more about our services around ESG here.
Seeing the bigger picture helps decision makers like you.
We all know data and information is critical to making the right choices. No one service provides all that, which is why we have an agile portfolio of capabilites. Wherever you want to start we can be there supporting your discovery, analysis, planning and execution.
- Carbon Footprint,
- Social Value,
- Service Maturity,
- Complexity,
- Criticality and Interdependance,
- Security,
- Cloud Fit,
- Usability and Access…
Contact us for our full capabilities.
Business Case Creation
Before you commit check it’s a good idea. understanding the investment you need and the timming of the expected returns seems like an obvious thing to do, and yet, it often is done in haste and with lack of expert guidance. We have been helping clients dvelop business cases since 2013 and now even more critical is the inclusion of Sustainabiliyt, Carbon emissions and Social impact. we have invested heavily in these areas ready to support you on a project, business or investment journey.
- Pinpoint the exact tipping point when your investment will generate financial return (ROI)
- Confidently demonstrate whether your project will generate sufficient business value and financial return to be viable
- Assess Sustainability, Circularity, Carbon and Social impacts of the project keeping them in line with national and international goals
- Judge how your activities align with the UN 17 SDG’s, The Greenhouse Gas protocols and Social Value frameworks
- Answer these questions and more through rapidly generating business cases that demand attention and create buy-in
Carbon and Social Footprint and Compliance Reporting
Measure – Record – Report and Reduce.
That’s the key to Carbon Emissions and Social impacts. As ever more legislation is devised and deployed the key to successful emissions reductions and positive social impact will be in accurately recording what you do, reporting transparently and reducing negative impacts.
Our bespoke software AccSL® couple with our long heritage of data collection and analysis means we can help put in place all you need to record, report and reduce your carbon footprint, social and environmental impacts.
AccSL® is a web enabled application available either on a subscription basis or as on premise licence. As parrt of our consulting portfolio or as a bespoke white label solutions for service providers.
You can’t reduce what you don’t measure.
Read more about AccSL® here.